Delivery Charges

Delivery is the charge for Internet order processing, item selection, packaging, transport and handling.

Delivery times are not guaranteed, but are our best approximation and will vary with specific requests. Shipments and deliveries only occur on weekdays. Delivery is subject to change and will be determined at the time of order.
Estimated delivery time assumes orders are placed before 12:00 noon. Orders placed late on Friday or on Saturday/Sunday will not be processed until Monday.
Additional charges may occur on Priority, Overnight and International shipping if multiple attempts are made for delivery.

Our estimated time for shipping is 1-3 business days.

Delivery OptionsDelivery TimesDelivery Charges
Standard UK Delivery 2 - 3 Working days from the order date£3.95
Royal Mail UK Delivery1-3 Business Days from the order date£9.75 - Up to 30kg
Standard Post - Isles of Scilly, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Isle of White2 - 3 Working days from the order date£4.95
Royal Mail - Isles of Scilly, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Isle of White2 Working days from the order date£16.00 - Up to 30kg
Standard Post - Ireland - Suspended2 - 3 Working days from the order date£4.95
Carrier - Ireland- Suspended2 Working days from the order date£22.00 - Up to 30kg
Royal Mail - Northern Ireland1-3 Business Days from the order date£16.00 - Up to 30kg
International Zone 1 - Suspended2 - 3 Working days from the order date£29.17 - Up to 30kg
International Zone 2 - Suspended3 - 4 Working days from the order date£29.17 - Up to 30kg
International Zone 3 - Suspended3 - 4 Working days from the order date£29.17 - Up to 30kg
International Zone 4 - Suspended4 - 5 Working days from the order date£29.17 - Up to 30kg
International Zone 5 - Suspended4 - 6 Working days from the order date£29.17 - Up to 30kg